Thursday, May 20, 2010

At the beginning of the semester I had no knowledge of windows Movie Maker, orApple’s I movie. As an owner of a windows system my Movie Maker application has laiddormant since it’s inception. The most daunting task on this project was learning how tocoordinate and assemble a quality video. I can’t imagine what producers go through tocreate a three hour movie since it takes me six hours to create one modest three minuteclip. For this same reason I am glad I learned how to utilize images, sound clips, andMovie Maker. It is an excellent format that I would like to use for my own personalpictures along with my favorite music, and see myself becoming proficient at some pointand look forward to helping others when they want to create something independently.Throughout the semester I had collected multiple images of the children, building,outdoor area, and neighborhood, but did not have the faintest idea on what I shouldconsider for a theme. It took me nearly the entire semester and four rough DVD copies ofmy presentation until I thought would be the best choice. Progression. Thanks to the lawbeing passed in Arizona I thought to myself how this seems like a step backwards forMexican-Americans. Then I tried to understand where did they start, and how have theyprogressed in society? How have I progressed in knowledge throughout the semester, andmy volunteering experience? Where I started was a lack of understanding how difficultthe transition can be for someone with not only a language barrier, but amongst peoplewho detest your presence without even knowing you personally. I generally lackedawareness of this because of having little experience with Mexican-Americans,throughout grade and high school. Even at UWM today I do not sense or acknowledge alarge presence of students of their descent. Is it intentional or is it poor observation, lackof each other reaching out to become acquaintances or friends? This experience withvolunteering may not be life changing, but has opened my eyes in a positive way.So in order to visually display how I felt about this experience and where it hastaken me I decided to start my research on the history of Escuela Vieau how and why itbegan. This became my most difficult task as I found little on who lobbied for thisbuilding and who supported their efforts? After all it is tax payer dollars, and privatedonations that keep it afloat. After struggling to get the proper information on this angle Idecided to just stick to the title of progression, and incorporate my own relationshipbuilding with the kids, adults, and staff members. Plus add in modern pop culture iconsand people of importance in congress or other facets of today’s economy, and they are avital part of our society. I blended these pictures with free music from freeplay music andcreative commons sites I had not heard of until this year. Ultimately I hope my videoshows promise, and a positive outlook while addressing that there is still much left to bedone when it comes to fully accepting minorities in our culture.

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